ELA Common Core State Standards
Common Core standards have a lot of controversy around them meaning
no one actually seems to have any idea what they are and how they operate
within schools. Math common core is the most commonly known and discussed implementation
of common core standards, leaving the English Language Arts (ELA) standards
without a lot of discussion. After working with and trying and, most of the
time, successfully using the Common Core state standards (CCSS) within my own
lessons I see how unrestrictive they really are. The CCSS are simply guides to
what the lesson or unit will be accomplishing in teaching students. How I choose
to approach those skills and standards within lessons is up to me as the
teacher, not the standards. CCSS are benchmarks that we as teachers work to get
students to not how to get them
there. The standards represent skills that students are learning through
lessons and units create by the teachers.
By implementing a standards-based approach to schools across
the country teachers will be able to share more lessons, ideas, and tips and tricks
for teaching students the skills with CCSS. While some may not be thrilled with
the idea of CCSS be used in their schools, the standards actually open the
doors for potentially phenomenal learning environments for students. I know that when I was in high school, as CCSS
were new and about to be implemented, I wasn’t excited about the idea of the
standards being put into schools. I had only heard about common core from
parents who didn’t understand what it was and how it worked within the schools.
Now I have worked with and learned more about CCSS and how useful and helpful they
can be within the classrooms. I now see how useful and advantageous the use of
the Common Core state standards can be and have been within the classroom.
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