Learning Letter
Throughout this quarter I have completed two book talks, wrote fifteen blog post on separate readings six of which are full-length books read over the course of the quarter, and wrote a full three-week unit plan. The two books talks that I completed were literally as far as apart as possible within the quarter. My first was the first day of book talks while my second was on the last possible day for book talks within the quarter. Since my book talks were so spread out I had the opportunity to look at and learn from everyone else’s book talks in order to build my second book talk as well as the feedback from my first book talk. My first book talk was over Patricia McCormick’s Sold and I did the talk itself by the seat of my pants just winging it and hoping for the best out of the talk itself. My second talk was over Cornelia Funke’s The Thief Lord that was far less by the seat of my pants and little more structured and thought through but I also had less fun giving the second bo...